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[02-12 21:52:07]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初二英语期中试题   阅读:8801

概要:46-50 BABDB 51-55ACAAC 56-60 CDBDA 61-65 BCAAC 66-70 BCDAA71-75 TFFFF 76. vacation 77. sightseeing 78. thirsty 79. invitation 80 . vegetables81. more athletic 82. fishing 83. going 84. laugh 85. taking 86. How,get 87. is going88. How often 89. more ,than 90 same as91. How often does his father exercise?92. Linda is going to Beijing for vacation.93. How long does it take her to do her homework?94. I can't come to Gina's party next week.95. Lin Tao is a little quieter than me.注


  46-50 BABDB 51-55ACAAC 56-60 CDBDA 61-65 BCAAC 66-70 BCDAA

  71-75 TFFFF 76. vacation 77. sightseeing 78. thirsty 79. invitation 80 . vegetables

  81. more athletic 82. fishing 83. going 84. laugh 85. taking 86. How,get 87. is going

  88. How often 89. more ,than 90 same as

  91. How often does his father exercise?

  92. Linda is going to Beijing for vacation.

  93. How long does it take her to do her homework?

  94. I can't come to Gina's party next week.

  95. Lin Tao is a little quieter than me.


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