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新目标英语八年级上册Unit 6单元同步练习三

[10-19 22:44:25]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初二英语练习题   阅读:8211

概要: “They only want a little petrol (汽油), so they are __________ (cheap)。 And I think they are __________ (easy) to drive. ” Martin laughs. “Oh, car are more expensive(贵), that's true. ” He says, “but they're not __________ (difficult) to drive. And think! ”Cars are __________ (big) than scooters, so they take more people. They're __________ (big), but they're quiet. My car is __________ (quiet) than a scooter or a bus or a plane o

新目标英语八年级上册Unit 6单元同步练习三,标签:八年级英语练习题,http://www.kgf8.com

    “They only want a little petrol (汽油), so they are __________ (cheap)。 And I think they are __________ (easy) to drive. ”

    Martin laughs. “Oh, car are more expensive(贵), that's true. ” He says, “but they're not __________ (difficult) to drive. And think! ”Cars are __________ (big) than scooters, so they take more people. They're __________ (big), but they're quiet. My car is __________ (quiet) than a scooter or a bus or a plane or train. Cars are __________ (quiet), and they are __________ (safe) and __________ (warm)。


    A ten-year-old Teacher

    How young can a teacher be? A teacher can be any age. Just ask Chrissie Mckenney. She was only 10 when she started teaching.

    How did Chrissie get the job? It was not easy. Chrissie wanted to help children who cannot hear. But the school had never had such a young helper. Could Chrissie do it?

    First, Chrissie learned to sign. Signing is a way of talking with your hands. Soon it was easy for Chrissie to talk to the children. So the school let her help. Now Chrissie visits the school almost every day. The children love their young teacher. She is their friend.

    1. Chrissie wanted to help children who can't __________.

    A. hear B. see C. play

    2. This story tells about a __________.

    A. special class B. young teacher C. silly person

    3. In the third part of the story, what does the word “learned” mean __________?

    A. forget  B. found out how  C. stooped

    4. The school let Chrissie help because she__________.

    A. was too old B. could sigh C. could not hear

    5. You can guess from the story that most teachers__________ Chrissie.

    A. are older than B. do not like C. are just like


    Ⅰ.1. fewer; fewest 2. hungrier; hungriest 3. later; latest

    4. earlier; earliest 5. easier; easiest

    6. higher; highest 7. better; best 8. shorter; shortest

    9. smaller; smallest 10. finer; finest

    Ⅱ.1. younger 2. newer 3. heavier; the heaviest  4. longer 5. higher; the highest

    6. the earliest 7. nicer 8. bigger; bigger

    Ⅲ.1. the; tallest 2. runs; faster; than 3. How; bag; is 4. Who; me; to; meet

    5. parents 6. Where; are; they 7. than; mine 8. is; youngest; all

    9. What are the teacher doing 10. Why; does

    Ⅳ.A: a; Would; call; round

    B: 1. heavier 2. the 3. than 4. has 5. full

    Ⅴ.better; cheaper; easier; more difficult; bigger; bigger; quieter; the quietest; the safest; the warmest

    Ⅵ.1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A

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