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[02-13 22:40:10]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初三英语完形填空   阅读:8697

概要:小编整理了初三英语完型填空专项练习题,希望同学们可以练习一下,也希望初三英语完型填空专项练习题对同学们的英语完形填空的学习有所帮助,还附送答案哦~David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot had a poor vocabulary (词汇量), and many were not polite. David tried hard to 1 the bird's words and was often 2 polite words, playing soft music, trying anything he could 3 to set a good example. But nothing 4 . He shouted at the bird and the bird just got angry and became even 5 .Finally,without any hope, David put the 6 in the freezer. For a few moments



  David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot had a poor vocabulary (词汇量), and many were not polite. David tried hard to 1 the bird's words and was often 2 polite words, playing soft music, trying anything he could 3 to set a good example. But nothing 4 . He shouted at the bird and the bird just got angry and became even 5 .Finally,without any hope, David put the 6 in the freezer. For a few moments he heard the bird kick(踢) and cry loudly in it. Then suddenly it was 7 -not a sound for half a minute. David was 8 that he might have hurt the bird and quickly 9 the freezer door. The parrot quietly 10 out onto David's arm and said,"'I 11 that I may have made you angry 12 me about my impolite language and actions. I will try my best at once to be polite. I am 13 sorry and beg your pardon. "

  David was surprised at the bird's change, and he was just 14 what had made such a surprising change when the parrot 15 saying, "May I ask what the chicken in the freezer did?"

  ( )1.A. change B. teach C. make D. have

  ( )2. A. talking B. speaking C. saying D. telling

  ( )3.A. look after B. look over C. think over D. think of

  ( )4 A. happened B. appeared C. worked D. did

  ( )5. A. polite B. less polite C. more polite D. not polite

  ( )6.A. parrot B. chicken C. meat D. food

  ( )7.A. noisy B. painful C full D. quiet

  ( )8.A. amazed B. surprising C. boring D. frightened

  ( )9.A. locked B. shut C. opened D. repaired

  ( )10A. ran B. stepped C. swam D. escaped

  ( )11.A. believe B hope C. dream D. celebrate

  ( )12. A. in B. for C. to D. with

  ( )13. A. much B. really C. a little D. just

  ( )14. A. to ask B. asked C. to reply D. replied

  ( )15. A. went on to B. went on C. went over D. went


  1-5 ACDCB 6-10 ADDCB 11-15 ADBAB


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