概要: 3)教师给出题材在九十课“Brasilia ”一文中的句型:The idea to …,willhave a (great )effect on … 在教师的例句:The idea toimprove English through imitation practice has proved to havea grea t effect on students' English study 之后, 给出:importadvanced foreign technology学生就能仿说出 :The idea to importadvanced technology will have a great effect on thedevelopment o f our country. 4)教师给出例句,让学生根据各自不同的经历及学识,充分发挥想象力,积极思维,迅速用英文组织材料,表达自己。 如八十九课中的句型:We all know what … should have
高中英语口语训练的课堂设计及操作:培养能力,标签:高一英语教学资源大全,高中英语学习方法,http://www.kgf8.com3)教师给出题材在九十课“Brasilia ”一文中的句型:The idea to …,willhave a (great )effect on …
在教师的例句:The idea toimprove English through imitation practice has proved to havea grea t effect on students' English study 之后, 给出:importadvanced foreign technology学生就能仿说出 :The idea to importadvanced technology will have a great effect on thedevelopment o f our country.
如八十九课中的句型:We all know what … should have said──… but what he actually did …学生经过约几十秒至一分钟左右时间─的思考,说出:We all know what the boy should have said tohis English teacher when they met this morning, but what heactually said was:goodbye. We all know what the nervous little girl should have said,but what she actually said was:“I'm a schoolboy.”
1)就文中某一人或物再现文中句子或发表个人观点在七十三课“The Record Holder”一文中, 围绕文中的男孩可以说很多。如:The boy didn't like sc hool. He played truant. Hehitch — hiked to many places and travelled 1,600 miles. Hewas pi cked up by a policeman on the French — Spanish borderand was sent back home.以上小段的内容主要来自课文,但学生根据自己对课文的理解,重新进行了组织。这是一种创造活动。学生也可根据自己的理解,加入自己的观点。The boy's very naughty. He wasnot well—behaved. He made his parents worried . He probablydidn't enjoy schoollife.这一小段的呈现说明了学生不仅彻底理解了课文,更重要的是他已 经与他的同学们和老师在交流自己对于这个男孩的看法了。是一种更高级的思维活动。
如在七十五课“SOS”中,教师可以根据学生的不同英语水平,给出一些词及词组以降低难度:a light passenger plane—crashed —awoman and two baby daughters—snow—suitcase—next morning —heard— stamp—SOS—a pilot—rescued.学生很快就能说出:A lightpassenger plane crashed in the mountains. A woman and her twobaby—daughters were unhurt fortunately. Snow lay thick onthe ground.Th e woman turned the suitcase into a bed at nightand put her two babies in it. The next morning she heard aplane flying over and she stamped out SOS in the snow. It wasseen by the pilot. They were rescued at last by a helicopter. 3)中心思想的概括低段的高中学生还不太善于较长篇幅地连贯表达自己,这样给予提示是比较恰当的。如第八十九课中,给出的提示是“概要”中的内容:points 1.local cinema ——packed. 2.P & U Bird Seed Co. 3.Presenting free variety show 4.Many artists should…
5.Failed to turn up 6.Show very dull 7.Funny thing——8.Advertiser introduced programme saying 9.This … gentlemen学生就能较快地根据提示组织成文。The local cinema was packed.The P & U Bird Seed Company wa s presenting a free varietyshow, but many artists who should have appeared failed totur n up. Because of this, the show was very dull. Thefunniest thing came at the beginning from the advertiser whointroduced the programme saying: 'This is the poo and Ee SeedBird Comp any. Good ladies,evening and gentlemen!' 4.以上三步操作活动是紧紧地依附于课文内容的,是为自由交际作准备及铺垫。在这时,我们看到了由易 到难、由控制的到半控制的递进的交际活动。那么,基于课文,结合社会现象的讨论将走向一个新的交际高度 ,使得语言的操练紧密地和社会这个大课堂结合起来,更好地体现交际的意义。如在学了七十八课“The Last One”后,教师就布置这样的口头作业:Why do you think so many people take up orcontinue smo king when they know of its dangers ? Why is a Non— smoking Day set up?对于高中高段的学生,给予1 —3分钟的准备时间,在课堂内当堂完成也是可行的一个高潮步骤。
当然和社会大课堂紧紧结合的另一面体现在每堂英语课开始的十分钟之内。我们设定的口语训练内容有:时事政治、天文地理、百姓家事、笑话趣谈。标题有:国内外新闻、笑话幽默故事、体育评论、电影电视点评 、读书心得、值日报告等等。这些是说话训练的好题材,也是课堂说话训练的有效延伸。
总之,在教学的过程中,我们应该始终明确学生是学习活动的主人翁的思想。教师是课堂的指挥家:激发 学生学习的兴趣,增强学生的学习信心,创造轻松愉快的学习环境。精心安排教学内容是指挥家的任务,他不 仅教给学生以知识,更重要的是教会学生学习知识的能力。布鲁诺在他的《教学过程》一书中谈到:通晓学科 的基本结构,不但要掌握“一般原理”,而且要获得这门学科的基本态度和方法,这样才能更快捷地培养高层 次的现代化建设人才。