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[05-17 07:03:28]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  高三英语复习指导   阅读:8653

概要:2. If we read the book, we would learn a lot.3. We read the book; as a result / therefore / thus / hence / consequently / for this reason / because of this, we’ve learned a lot.4. As a result of /Because of/Due to/Owing to reading the book, we’ve learned a lot.5. The cause of/reason for/overw eight is eating too much.6. Overweight is caused by/due to/because of eating too much.7. The effect/consequence/result of eating too much is overweight.8. Eating too much causes/resu


  2. If we read the book, we would learn a lot.

  3. We read the book; as a result / therefore / thus / hence / consequently / for this reason / because of this, we’ve learned a lot.

  4. As a result of /Because of/Due to/Owing to reading the book, we’ve learned a lot.

  5. The cause of/reason for/overw eight is eating too much.

  6. Overweight is caused by/due to/because of eating too much.

  7. The effect/consequence/result of eating too much is overweight.

  8. Eating too much causes/results in/leads to overweight.


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