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[10-20 15:00:59]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初一英语试卷   阅读:8878

概要:78. We s_______pants for only 20yuan.What a pity!79. This hotel is too small.There are not enough r________to live in.80. It is very difficult for him to finish the work on _________.答案:1.twelfth 2.breakfast 3.take 4.bring 5.grandfather 6.answer 7.stars 8.vegetables 9.colleted 10.basketball 11.morning 12.ice 13.join14.interesting 15.health 16.afford 17.scary 18.photos 19.listen 20.card 21.news 22.traditional 23.Thrillers 24.collections.25dictionary 26.open 27.sorry 28.last/family

78.   We s_______pants for only 20yuan.What a pity!

79.   This hotel is too small.There are not enough r________to live in.

80.   It is very difficult for him to finish the work on _________.


1.twelfth 2.breakfast 3.take 4.bring 5.grandfather 6.answer 7.stars 8.vegetables 9.colleted 10.basketball 11.morning 12.ice 13.join14.interesting 15.health 16.afford 17.scary 18.photos 19.listen 20.card 21.news 22.traditional 23.Thrillers 24.collections.25dictionary 26.open 27.sorry 28.last/family 29.looks 30.speech 31.February 32.months 33.price 34.eighth 35.tired 36.letter 37.stores 38.Action 39.example 40.Teachers’ 41.fifteen 42.White 43.busy 44.Show 45.job 46.because 47.brushes 48.hobby 49.successful 50.colorful 51.swim 52.first 53.address54.number 55.parent 56.plants 57.Monday 58.everyone 59.birthday 60.history 61.strict 62.watches 63.wants 64.starts/begins 65.cities 66.difficult 67.before 68.piano 69.night 70.key 71.subject 72.homework 73.green 74.father 75.with 76.excuse 77.telephone 78.sold 79.rooms 80.time

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