当前位置:考高分吧中小学教育试卷中心英语试卷初二英语试卷新课标八年级英语上unit1-2试题资源» 正文


[10-20 15:03:43]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:8436

概要:2.My uncle__ _(have) a cat now. I think he _ __(have) a cow soon.3.We _ __(not leave)until we finish planting the trees.4.We (learn) Unit1 last week. We__ _( learn) Unit2 now. We __ _(learn) Unit3 next week. 八年级上Unit2一、单词:票 吃惊 任一的(两方中) 新颖的 理发 失败 到。。。为止 适合 包括 固执己见的 疯狂地 成年人 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] 下一页

2.My uncle__   _(have) a cat now. I think he _    __(have) a cow soon.

3.We _    __(not leave)until we finish planting the trees.

4.We        (learn) Unit1 last week. We__   _( learn) Unit2 now. We __   _(learn) Unit3 next week.



         吃惊          任一的(两方中)          新颖的          理发           

失败         到。。。为止          适合             包括        固执己见的            

疯狂地          成年人           

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