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Is School Education Enough?_关于学校教育问题的英语作文

[10-19 23:15:05]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初中英语作文   阅读:8610

概要: We go to school for education. We learn Maths, English,Chinese, Physics and other subjects. School education is necessary and important. However, no one can learn everything from school. Even a very good teacher can not tell his students everything they want to know. Edison didn't have much schooling.but he became a famous scientist. It doesn't mean that school education is not important.He knew how to learn new things by himself. As a matter of fact,many things can be

Is School Education Enough?_关于学校教育问题的英语作文,标签:初中英语作文范文,初中英语作文大全,http://www.kgf8.com

    We go to school for education. We learn Maths, English,Chinese, Physics and other subjects.  School  education is necessary and important. However, no one can learn everything from school. Even a very good teacher can not tell his students everything they want to know.
    Edison didn't have much schooling.but he became a famous scientist. It doesn't mean that school education is not important.He knew how to learn new things by himself. As a matter of fact,many things can be learned outside school by the students themselves.
    So we should learn how to learn at school.
    1) didn't have much schooling没有受多少教育
    2) it doesn't mean that这并不意味着
    3) as a matter of fact事实上
    4) Manv thinas can be learned outside school.许多东西可以在学校外面学到。
    5) We should learn how to learn at school.我们应该学会怎样学习。

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