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There you are的口语用法

[10-19 22:43:03]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  高一英语学习指导   阅读:8407

概要: There you are的口语用法 1.表示要把东西递给对方(参见 Here you are),意为:给你;这就是你要的东西;拿去吧。如: You want to have this book. Well, I‘ve brought it, there you are. 你想要这本书,我已给你带来了,拿去吧。 The doctor took out three pound notes and then to the stationmaster, "There you are, Davies! " he said. 博士取出三张一镑一张的钞票,交给站长说,“戴维斯,请收下”。 2.表示说话者的猜测或判断是对的(常带有得意之味,参见There),意为:你瞧;我说对了吧;你现在知道我没说错吧。如: There you are. I know I was right. 你看是不是,我就知道我是对的。 There you are! Didn‘t I say thi

There you are的口语用法,标签:高一英语学习指导大全,高中英语学习方法,http://www.kgf8.com

    There you are的口语用法

    1.表示要把东西递给对方(参见 Here you are),意为:给你;这就是你要的东西;拿去吧。如:

    You want to have this book. Well, I‘ve brought it, there you are. 你想要这本书,我已给你带来了,拿去吧。

    The doctor took out three pound notes and then to the stationmaster, "There you are, Davies! " he said. 博士取出三张一镑一张的钞票,交给站长说,“戴维斯,请收下”。


    There you are. I know I was right. 你看是不是,我就知道我是对的。

    There you are! Didn‘t I say this would happen?你瞧,我不是说过这事会发生吗?


    I‘ve got to pay for my daughter’s wedding, but there you are—that‘s what fathers are for! 我得为女儿的婚礼掏钱。唉,没办法,谁叫我是她是爹呢!


    We‘ve been looking for you everywhere. There you are. 我们到处找你,原来你在这里。

    5. 表示到达目的地,意为:到了。如:

    Turn to the left and there you are. 向左一拐你就到了。

    Walk to the end of the street and there you are. 一直走到街道尽头你就到了。


    Accidents are common in high mountain ascents;one false step,and there you are. 攀登高山常发生意外,只要一失足,你就完了。

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