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[02-16 15:57:47]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  高三英语短文改错   阅读:8938

概要:一、考点规律分析短文改错对冠词的考查主要涉及冠词的误加和漏用,有时也考查不定冠词与定冠词以及零冠词的用法区别(包括 a 与 an 的区别)。其中,涉及最多的是,当一个单数可数名词表示泛指时,其前漏用不定冠词;另外,冠词在一些习语中的用法也是一个重要考点。二、真题单句归纳(1) After a hour or so we began to feel very frightened. (a 改为 an,因 hour 读音以元音开头) (全国卷)(2) I decided to climb the tree to see where we were. (the 改为 a,因此处并非特指,而是泛指) (全国卷)(2) Some people read the books or watch television while others have sports. (去掉 the,因这里的 books 表泛指,不表特指) (全国卷)(3) Good health is person’s most valuable possession. (person’



短文改错对冠词的考查主要涉及冠词的误加和漏用,有时也考查不定冠词与定冠词以及零冠词的用法区别(包括 a 与 an 的区别)。其中,涉及最多的是,当一个单数可数名词表示泛指时,其前漏用不定冠词;另外,冠词在一些习语中的用法也是一个重要考点。


(1) After a hour or so we began to feel very frightened. (a 改为 an,因 hour 读音以元音开头) (全国卷)

(2) I decided to climb the tree to see where we were. (the 改为 a,因此处并非特指,而是泛指) (全国卷)

(2) Some people read the books or watch television while others have sports. (去掉 the,因这里的 books 表泛指,不表特指) (全国卷)

(3) Good health is person’s most valuable possession. (person’s 前加 a,这里的 a 表泛指) (全国卷)

(4) Modern people know more about the health, have better food, and live in clearer surroundings. (去掉 the,因health 表泛指) (全国卷)

(5) There is public library in every town in Britain. (public library 前加 a,因这里的 public library 是单数可数名词表泛指,故在其前用 a) (全国卷)

(6) Maybe you could come during a winter holidays. (a 改为 the,因从含义上看,此处的 winter holidays 属特指或者是谈话双方都知道的) (全国卷)

(7) Today I visited the Smiths — my first visit to a American family. (a 改为 an,因 American 的读音以元音开头) (全国卷)

(8) Each player must obey captain, who is the leader of the team. (captain 前加冠词 the,captain 为特指) (全国卷)

(9) Some wanted to see the programme while others preferred another. (the 改为 one,one 与下一行的 another 构成“一个……另一个”) (全国卷)

(10) I’ll take this chance to wish you wonderful time on your birthday. (wonderful 前加 a,该表达与 have a good time 类似,其中的 a 不可省) (北京春季卷)

(11) Suddenly, I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. (去掉 a,catch sight of 是习语,意为“看见、瞥见”) (全国卷)

(12) For example, when I was a child, the rain was a mystery(奥秘). (去掉 the,rain 在此泛指) (北京春季卷)

(13) We may be one family and live under a same roof. (a 改为 the,因 same 前应用定冠词) (全国卷)

(14) As everyone knows, it’s famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.(在 famous 前加 a,注意 mountain 是单数可数名词) (全国卷)

(15) My teacher advised me to keep my diary. (my diary 改为 a diary,keep a diary 意为“写日记”) (全国卷)

(16) When I was boy, the most exciting thing was to celebrate the Spring Festival. (boy 前加 a,因 boy 为可数名词) (江苏卷)

(16) On Thursday I will have to decide what I want to do over a weekend. (a 改为 the,因这不是泛指的周末,而是特指本周周末)(四川卷)

(17) And every year more and more people start a stamp collection of their own and discover an interest which can even last lifetime. (lifetime 前加a,指人的一生是 a lifetime) (浙江卷)

(18) Ten minutes later, the firemen came and put out fire. (fire 前加 the,因这是特指的一场火灾) (福建卷)

(19) As we all left home at early age,… (early前加an,at an early age意为“在年幼时”) (天津卷)

(20) My grandma was the best cooker in the world but could make the most delicious dishes. (cooker 改为cook,比较:cook=炊事员,cooker=炊具) (江苏卷) www.kgf8.com


(1) Her sister, who is nurse, will marry one of the doctors in the hospital.

(2) It was such wonderful dinner that we enjoyed it very much.

(3) It was raining hard, so I had to borrow a umbrella.

(4) My friend Mary comes from an European country.

(5) Mr Smith used to be physics teacher till he turned writer.

(6) In small village like this, everybody knows everybody else.

(7) Only few of the children can read such books.

(8) For long time neither of us spoke to each other.

(9) Look, a girl in blue is my cousin.

(10) Look! A car has stopped there. A car is beautiful.

(11) She asked whether we came from a same city.

(12) The mountain was covered with the snow all the year round.

(13) You don’t know what wonderful time we’ve had.

(14) People made the fun of her because she wore such strange clothes.

(15) Soon the plane was out of the sight.

(16) Great changes have taken the place in my hometown since 1978.

(17) In the word, he is a good student and all of us like him.

(18) You say you took the book without his permission. In the other words, you stole it. www.kgf8.com


(1) nurse 前加 a,因 nurse 为可数名词。

(2) such 后加 a,dinner 受形容词修饰时,其前通常要加不定冠词。

(3) a 改为 an,因 umbrella 的读音以元音开头。

(4) an 改为 a,因 European 的读音不是以元音开头。

(5) physics 前加 a,因 teacher 为可数名词。

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