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高三英语教案 冠词备考复习教案

[02-16 16:05:01]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  高三英语教学资源   阅读:8985

概要:【重难点突破】[概述] 冠词是虚词,不能单独使用,位于名词前,帮助指明名词的含义。(一)、不定冠词a和an的用法基本用法(1)、用在单数可数名词前,表示某一类人或事物中的个体。A teacher shouldn’t talk like that.教师不应当这样讲话。(2)、用于表示首次提到的某人或某物,但没有具体说明是谁或是什么。(短文改错中常出现)(3)、用来表示“一”的概念,但不如one的数字概念强。It took me a year to save up for a new coat.我用了一年时间才省出钱买一件新大衣。特殊用法(1)、表示价钱、时间、速度等的“每一”(=per)。 It’s said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 ______ year. Right, he will also get paid by ______ week.(2011江西卷)A.the; the B.a; the C.the; a D.a; a(2

高三英语教案 冠词备考复习教案,标签:高三英语教学资源大全,高三学习方法,http://www.kgf8.com


[概述] 冠词是虚词,不能单独使用,位于名词前,帮助指明名词的含义。




A teacher shouldn’t talk like that.




It took me a year to save up for a new coat.




---- It’s said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 ______ year.

---- Right, he will also get paid by ______ week.(2011江西卷)

A.the; the B.a; the C.the; a  D.a; a


The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that ________ people from all walks of life are working hard for ________ new Jiangsu. [2010•江苏]

A./; a      B./; the   C.the; a     D.the; the

Experts think that ______recently discovered painting may be ______ Picasso.(2011浙江卷)

A.the ;不填    B.a ;the C.a; 不填 D.the; a


First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get ________ second chance to make ________ first impression. [2010•北京]

A.a; the    B.the; the   C.a; a     D.the; a


Generosity is a virtue.慷慨是一种美德。

(5)、在某些物质名词前表示一杯 / 罐 / 瓶/ 场/ 阵/ 种等。

There was a heavy snow yesterday. 昨天下了一场大雪。


This is a most interesting story.


(7)、有的不可数名词或本来应该带定冠词(the)的名词,由于受定语(尤其是形容词)的修饰,其前一般要用不定冠词或改用不定冠词,表示某种状态,此时的不定冠词通常含有 a kind of 的意思。如:

have breakfast 吃早餐→have a quick breakfast吃快餐

the world 世界→a world like ours 像我们这样的世界

有些不可数名词即使受形容词的修饰也不能用不定冠词,容易弄错的 有:news,advice,luck,fortune,work,fun,weather,homework,housework,information,behavior,harm,damage,progress,furniture,baggage,luggage,poetry,scenery 等。

We can never expect    bluer sky unless we create     less polluted world. (09安徽)u))

A. a; a      B. a; the C. the; a      D. the; the ks5


He is a teacher and poet. 他既是老师又是诗人。

There’s a horse and cart on the road. 路上有1辆马车。

(9)、与副词quite, rather连用时,a (an) 一般要后置。如:


误:The party was a quite success.

正:The party was quite a success.

但若其后的名词前有形容词修饰,则a (an) 放在quite / rather之前或之后均可以。如:


正:It’s rather a sad story.

正:It’s a rather sad story


What    pity that you couldn’t be there to receive     prize!(09陕西)

A. a; a     B. the; a      C. a; the     D. the; the






1.The theme of Expo 2010 was “Better City, Better Life”, representing ________ common wish of the whole humankind for ________ better living in future urban environments.

A.the; a      B.a; a    C./; the     D.the; /





As is know to all,         People’s Republic of China is        Biggest developing country in the world.(2011•陕西卷)

A.the ;不填   B.不填 ;the     C.the ;the  D.不填;不填



the Yellow River 黄河 the Red Sea 红海

the Indian Ocean 印度洋 the Taiwan Straits 台湾海峡

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