当前位置:考高分吧中小学教育试卷中心英语试卷初二英语试卷表示请求的问句及其答语|英语素材资源并有参考答案» 正文


[10-20 15:03:57]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初二英语试卷   阅读:8434

概要: 表示请求的问句及其答语请认真观察下面的例句,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。 【例句】1. _ Could you please do me a favor? _ Sure. What's it?2. _ Would you mind helping me with my English? _ Not at all.3. _ Would you like to open the door? _ OK, I'd love to.4. _ Do you mind my sitting here? _ You'd better not. It's our teacher's seat.5. _ Would you please pass me some chairs? _ I'm sorry I can't. I'm busy now.6. _ Would you mind not putting your bike here? _ Sorry, I'll put it





1. _ Could you please do me a favor?

  _ Sure. What's it?

2. _ Would you mind helping me with my English?

  _ Not at all.

3. _ Would you like to open the door?

  _ OK, I'd love to.

4. _ Do you mind my sitting here?

  _ You'd better not. It's our teacher's seat.

5. _ Would you please pass me some chairs?

  _ I'm sorry I can't. I'm busy now.

6. _ Would you mind not putting your bike here?

  _ Sorry, I'll put it somewhere else.


1. Could you please...?意思是“请您......好吗?”,其后接1       ,肯定回答为Certainly, Sure, Of course, OK,否定回答为2         .  I'm afraid I can't. 如句1 ,句5 ,它和 Would you please...?意思一样。

注意:3           ?”应该这样表达:Could / Would you please not...?

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