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英语四年级上:Unit 9-10 单元测试

[02-09 16:42:21]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  四年级英语课内同步单元测试   阅读:8746

概要:导语:为了丰富同学们的学习生活,www.kgf8.com四年级上册英语课内同步单元测试栏目为同学们搜集整理了有关四年级的单元测试试题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!I.选择划线部分发音不同的一项。1 ( ) A coat B road C store D boat2 ( ) A horse B fort C party D short3 ( ) A this B five C thin D if4 ( ) A lake B at C place D lady5 ( ) A hospital B all C tall D fallII.连线,组成正确的短语。fly a skateboardsee a soccer matchbuy a kitevisit an art showwatch the libraryIII.看图,读句子,连线。IV.连词成句。you \ what \ do \ to \ do \ want_____________________________________________I \ see \ want \ dinosaurs \ to

英语四年级上:Unit 9-10 单元测试,标签:四年级英语课内同步单元测试大全,http://www.kgf8.com



  1 ( ) A coat B road C store D boat

  2 ( ) A horse B fort C party D short

  3 ( ) A this B five C thin D if

  4 ( ) A lake B at C place D lady

  5 ( ) A hospital B all C tall D fall


  fly a skateboard

  see a soccer match

  buy a kite

  visit an art show

  watch the library



  you \ what \ do \ to \ do \ want


  I \ see \ want \ dinosaurs \ to \ there


  are \ this \ weekend \ what \ to \ you \ going \ do


  is \ the \ Where \ museum


  a \ zoo \ is \ there \ the \ city \ in



  ( ) 1. Where is the hospital?

  It’s _________________ the supermarket?

  A. between B. next to C. across from

  ( ) 2. Look! The coffee shop is _____________ the police station.

  A. between B. next to C. across from

  ( ) 3. I’m Andy. How can I get to the____________?

  Go straight. Turn right at the first crossing. It’s on your left.

  A. hotel B. school C. restaurant

  ( ) 4. I’m Andy. How can I get to the police station?

  Go straight. Turn right at the_________ crossing. It’s on your right

  A. first B. second C. third

  ( ) 5. Is there a department store in the city?

  A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t. C. I don’t know.


  I love the city ! There are tall buildings , movie theatres , and department stores . There are museums , parks , and galleries . There are restaurants with delicious foods . You can see many cars and many different kinds of people .

  I love the country ! There are birds ,trees , grass , and flowers in the country . There are houses and barns . There are many different kinds of animals . You can run and play in the fields . You can fish and swim in the ponds and lakes .

  There are many museums and galleries in the city . ( )

  You can see many cars in the country . ( )

  You can run and play in the fields . ( )

  You can fish and swim in the city . ( )

  In the country , there are restaurants with delicious food . ( )

  There are many different kinds of animals in the country . ( )

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