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[02-08 19:42:57]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  小升初面试   阅读:8608

概要:综合英语部分:1.用汉语介绍你的家庭?三个中文词描述自己的长相? 2.What can you do if you are a voelunteer of Olympic Games?3.What do you do on Saturday and Sunday?On Saturday I must go to training school to learn Olympic Mathematics,and finish the homework.On Sunday my parents and I always go to visit my grandparents.4.What is your favourate music?(你最喜欢什么音乐?)5.How to keep healthy?(怎样能保持健康?)6.What will you do,if you are one of the vorlunteers in Olympic Games?(你是奥运会志愿者,你会做些什么?)奥数题部分:




2.What can you do if you are a voelunteer of Olympic Games?

3.What do you do on Saturday and Sunday?
On Saturday I must go to training school to learn Olympic Mathematics,and finish the homework.On Sunday my parents and I always go to visit my grandparents.

4.What is your favourate music?(你最喜欢什么音乐?)

5.How to keep healthy?(怎样能保持健康?)

6.What will you do,if you are one of the vorlunteers in Olympic Games?(你是奥运会志愿者,你会做些什么?)


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