概要: EMC(Enjoy Mathematics Camping享受数学)这个考试是北京市数学学校初中部举办的,每年都有。与“走进美妙的数字花园”竞赛类似,只不过是用英语考奥数的题。06年的考试我朋友的孩子参加了,他回来说英语很简单,都能看得懂。 这个比赛相对于其它竞赛来说还不是太有名,但在北大附中交材料时老师也都知道这个考试,而且据说四中会挑选其中优秀的孩子。如果获奖就应该有些作用。 但是针对小升初的多数重点学校来说,也没什么太大的帮助。像人大附和实验中学等学校,是不会将此成绩作为录取依据的,顶多只是报名资格的参考。 所以有实力的孩子,还是应该考科技英语和公英这样更有说服力的奖项和等级考试为好。 附: 走进美妙的数学花园比赛介绍: “走进美妙的数学花园”中国青少年数学论坛活动是一项面对小学三年级至初中二年级学生的综合性数学活动。通过“趣味数学解题技能展示”、“数学建模小论文答辩”、“数学益智游戏”、&l
2017 / 2017 EMC 英文奥数题,标签:小升初英语试卷及答案,http://www.kgf8.com EMC(Enjoy Mathematics Camping享受数学)这个考试是北京市数学学校初中部举办的,每年都有。与“走进美妙的数字花园”竞赛类似,只不过是用英语考奥数的题。06年的考试我朋友的孩子参加了,他回来说英语很简单,都能看得懂。
1、Six trees are equally spaced along one side of a straight road. The distance from the first tree to the fourth is 60 feet. What is the distance in feet between the first and last trees?
2、At the end of 2005 Walter was half as old as his grandmother. The sum of the years in which they were born is 3860. How old will Walter be at the end of 2006?
3、The digits 1,2,3,4 and 9 are each used once to form the greatest possible even five-digit number. What is the digit in the tens place?
4、Every edge of a cube is colored either red or green. In order to have at least one red edge on every face of the cube, find the minimum number of edges that must be colored red.
5、When 31513 and 34369 are such divided by a certain 3-digit number, the remainders are equal. Find this remainder.
6、Three signal lights were set to flash every certain specified time. The first light flashes every 12 seconds, the second flashed every 30 seconds and the third one every 66 seconds, the signal lights flash simultaneously at 8:30 am. At what time will the signal lights next flash together?