当前位置:考高分吧中小学教育小升初小升初英语2017小升初优秀英语作文:内在美» 正文


[05-17 21:41:58]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  小升初英语   阅读:8997

概要:导读:在小升初考试中,英语作文的写作是个重点也是难点,同学们要严格要求自己平时多多练习,下面小编和大家分享2013小升初英语作文:内在美,供同学们写作学习。Recently, many beautiful, sender actresses have been posing for sexy pictures to earn money. It is an easy way to become famous. However, their beauty goes no deeper than their lovely skin. If we understand what real beauty is , we can enrich ourselves with books to gain knowledge, or participate in all sorts of activities to gain experience. In my opinion, a dazzling and confident smile comes from someone wi



  Recently, many beautiful, sender actresses have been posing for sexy pictures to earn money. It is an easy way to become famous. However, their beauty goes no deeper than their lovely skin. If we understand what real beauty is , we can enrich ourselves with books to gain knowledge, or participate in all sorts of activities to gain experience. In my opinion, a dazzling and confident smile comes from someone with inner beauty.

Tag:小升初英语小升初英语试卷及答案小升初 - 小升初英语
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