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A Tree_关于描写树的英语作文

[10-19 23:15:05]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初中英语作文   阅读:8469

概要: A tree has three main parts: the roots, the branches and the leaves. Under the ground, the roots spread out so that the tree can stand firm. Above the ground, the roots form the trunk, and the trunk supports the branches. Near the top of the tree, the trunk divides into branches. At the top of the tree, the leaves grow out of the branches. The leaves receive sunlight to help the whole tree grow.注释: 1) the roots, the branches and the leaves根、枚和叶 2) so that以便 3) stand firm站得

A Tree_关于描写树的英语作文,标签:初中英语作文范文,初中英语作文大全,http://www.kgf8.com

    A tree has three main parts: the roots, the branches and the leaves. Under the ground, the roots spread out so that the tree can stand firm. Above the ground, the roots form the trunk, and the trunk supports the branches. Near the top of the tree, the trunk divides into branches. At the top of the tree, the leaves grow out of the branches. The leaves receive sunlight to help the whole tree grow.
    1) the roots, the branches and the leaves根、枚和叶
    2) so that以便
    3) stand firm站得德
    4) The roots form the trunk树根长成了树干。
    5) The leaves receive the sunlight.树叶接受阳光.

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