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关于移民和爱国的大学英语作文_Are immigrants unpatriotic

[10-19 23:15:05]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  大学英语作文   阅读:8768

概要: Everything has two sides: advantage and disadvantage.It is very unwilling to discuss this " patriotic" topic for immigrants.Some people considered that immigranting to another country as a chinese citizen was an unfavourable thing for our nation, but others did not. Immigrants are dissatisfied with the corruption of the government and a hard life at home so that they made up their minds to change nationality.Immigranting mak

关于移民和爱国的大学英语作文_Are immigrants unpatriotic,标签:大学英语作文范文,大学英语作文大全,http://www.kgf8.com

    Everything  has two  sides: advantage  and  disadvantage.It is  very  unwilling  to  discuss   this " patriotic"  topic  for  immigrants.Some  people  considered  that  immigranting  to another  country  as  a chinese  citizen  was  an  unfavourable  thing  for  our nation, but  others  did  not.
    Immigrants  are  dissatisfied with the corruption of the  government  and a  hard  life  at  home so that  they  made up  their minds to  change  nationality.Immigranting  makes  us lose a  lot  of things, such  as acquired career.familiar language  and  living environment,  the  oppurtunity of getting along  with elations  and friends.On the contrary, a  majority  of immgrants chose to go to United States, that  is to  say, they  got into the  top field  of politics, Economy,Academy,Military and  cultures.Besides,  immgrants  can  spread  chinese culture  to  practice  mutual  understanding,  which is  especially  important to  United  States.In  my  opionion, a  few Americans stayed  in  the Culture  Revolution  about  the  level  of  knowing about  China  for  the  disadvantage  of  Sino-US relation.
    For better for worse, wherever  you go,  whichever  country  you  immigrante  to,you  should remerber  forever:  I  am  chinese!(英语作文)

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