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春节英语作文 包饺子

[02-16 19:50:56]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  初中英语作文   阅读:8281

概要: 导读:关于春节的英语作文,在我家乡,有一个每家每户都保持的的传统,那就是包饺子。我们通常会在除夕当天包饺子、吃饺子。我们擀面皮,准备饺子馅儿。在你的家乡,你是否过年也需要饺子呢?更多春节作文尽在www.kgf8.com作文网。In my hometown, there is a tradition that every family would keep—making dumplings. We usually make dumplings on the last day of the lunar calendar and eat them on the New Year’s Eve. We roll the dough into pieces and prepare the stuffing. And then we can make dumplings. There is an important thing need to do in this period. That is we usually put coins into

春节英语作文 包饺子,标签:初中英语作文范文,初中英语作文大全,http://www.kgf8.com


  In my hometown, there is a tradition that every family would keep—making dumplings. We usually make dumplings on the last day of the lunar calendar and eat them on the New Year’s Eve. We roll the dough into pieces and prepare the stuffing. And then we can make dumplings. There is an important thing need to do in this period. That is we usually put coins into some dumplings. Those people who eat the dumping with a coin in it will get the best wishes for the next year. The final step is boiling the dumplings. At this time, all people are waiting for the dumplings. For us, it’s the best New Year’s Eve dinner.

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