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2017年高考英语第一轮复习词汇练习(选修7 Unit 1-2)

[05-17 21:41:58]   来源:http://www.kgf8.com  高三英语单项选择   阅读:8306

概要:2009年高考英语第一轮复习词汇练习(选修7 Unit 1-2) Unit 1 Living well一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:companion, accessible, elderly, eyesight, disability, latter, breath, microscope, dignity, encouragement, conduct1 We young people should show respect for the _________.2 I would like to find a traveling _________, for I don’t want to go on a trip alone.3 My father’s words were a great __________ to me, and then I made great progress in my subjects.4 The bacteria were so small that they coul

2017年高考英语第一轮复习词汇练习(选修7 Unit 1-2),标签:高三英语单项选择大全,高三学习方法,http://www.kgf8.com

2009年高考英语第一轮复习词汇练习(选修7 Unit 1-2)

Unit 1   Living well


第一组:companion, accessible, elderly, eyesight, disability, latter, breath, microscope, dignity, encouragement, conduct

1 We young people should show respect for the _________.
2 I would like to find a traveling _________, for I don’t want to go on a trip alone.
3 My father’s words were a great __________ to me, and then I made great progress in my subjects.
4 The bacteria were so small that they could only be examined under a __________.
5 We should never look down upon those people with a _________. On the contrary, we should care for them.
6 It is difficult for you to keep your _________ when you have no job and no home.
7 There are two examples on the blackboard; the _________ is better than the former.
8 The concert was __________ by Colin and was a great success.
9 How long can you hold your __________ under the water?
10 Sitting in front of the computer for long will affect your __________.
11 This kind of new medicine is useful for cancer; however, it is not __________ for most people.

第二组:absence, resign, graduation, congratulate, certificate, drum, politics, bare, foolish, ambition, literature

12 I __________ my nephew on having been admitted into Beijing University.
13 I am not interested in _________. I don’t care about what is going on in China and throughout the world.
14 Why didn’t you attend yesterday’s meeting? What’s your excuse for your _______?
15 The children are beating the _________ to welcome the arrival of the grand festival.
16 There is nothing inside the refrigerator. It is completely ________.
17 After _________ from a university he chose to work in the western part of China.
18 I show great interest in __________. I have widely read the world classics(名著).
19 I can’t imagine how _________ she was. She really believed what he said. 
20 To be an artist had been his lifelong _________ and he achieved it finally.
21 Kate and Peter got their marriage __________ last week and they are planning their wedding banquet.
22 Tom applied to __________ as general manager of the company and the board approved.

第三组:benificial, handkerchief, clumsy, annoy, fellow, architect, industry, basement, assistance, adapt, motto, independent

23 When Mr. Wang was hurt at the construction site and sent to hospital, all his __________ workers visited him in hospital.
24 As you know, a good diet is _________ to your health.
25 The well known French _________ designed lots of famous buildings and bridges.
26 When you cough you’d better use a paper _________.
27 China’s tourist _________ is developing very fast. Millions of travelers from the world come to China for sightseeing.
28 His __________ fingers couldn’t untie the knot(结).
29 He hid those bottles of wine in the _________. Of course you couldn’t find them.
30 I couldn’t have completed the task without your timely _________.
31 I am already 18. I should lead an __________ life.
32 I have moved to another city. I think I will ________ myself to the new surroundings very soon.
33 Our school’s _________ is: Duty, Honor, and Country.
34 I was very ________ that they hadn’t turned up yet as expected.

in other words      out of breath     all in all   make fun of       all the best      in particular   
1 It is cruel to _________ those people who stammer(口吃).
2 The boss asked Mike to leave--__________ he was fired.
3 He loves reading—science fiction _________.
4 __________ the performance was a success.
5 I kept running and was __________ when I arrived at school.
6 At the end of the letter he wished me ___________.

更多精彩<<<<<<<<<2009年高考英语第一轮复习词汇练习汇总 www.kgf8.com

Unit 2   Robots


第一组:awful, fiction, firm, navy, talent, scan, chapter, pile, desire, affair

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